Checkbox & Radio Bindings

Bind keyboard events to radio buttons and checkboxes.

By default, keyboard bindings for radio buttons and checkboxes are enabled, allowing users to interact with these elements using keyboard keys (0-9 and A-Z).


Radio Button Bindings

  • Attribute: sf-radio-bind-key

  • Values: number, letter, none

Checkbox Bindings

  • Attribute: sf-checkbox-bind-key

  • Values: number, letter, none


When a step with the sf-goto attribute is detected, the bindings are automatically applied to facilitate navigation and selection.

  • number: Binds the radio buttons or checkboxes to numerical keys (0-9).

  • letter: Binds the radio buttons or checkboxes to letter keys (A-Z).

  • none: Disables keyboard bindings for the specified elements.

Avoid assigning the same set of keys to multiple groups within a single step to prevent conflicts.


Use Cases

  • Accessibility: Allow users to navigate and interact with form elements using keyboard shortcuts, improving the accessibility of your forms.

  • User Interaction: Facilitates quicker form completion by enabling keyboard shortcuts for selection.

Last updated