Step Animation Ease
Control the transition easing between form steps globally.
Attribute: sf-step-animation-ease
Value: ease-type
Default: ease-in
Options: linear
, ease
, ease-in
, ease-out
, ease-in-out
, cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)
Where: Form Container
Description: Defines the easing function for step transitions, providing smoother and more controlled animations.
How to use: Can work in conjunction with:
(see Step Animation)sf-step-animation-duration
(see Step Animation Duration)
Pro Tip
Custom cubic-bezier curves are supported, allowing for unique transition profiles.
For instance, a cubic-bezier curve like cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)
offers a balanced easing effect between steps.
HTML Example
Webflow Example
Last updated
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